Anyone interested in showing Timber some MPP love?...
# multiplatform
Anyone interested in showing Timber some MPP love? I’ve created a WIP PR to refactor to the new MPP plugin. Still needs a lot of work overall to get it into proper shape. Would be nice to have easy logging with the familiar API on iOS & Android. Comments are welcome…
Ive done this mostly. Not the mpp part (still platform plugin), but the native changes
See droidcon app for live use
New MPP doesn't allow Android libraries publishing yet (should be fixed in 1.3.20 though)
So, just use my version then. Works with android too :)
👍 1
nice! still would be great to have a published artifact from the official repo. I believe the work around is to have a separate module for the android artifact.
Anything I’ve been publishing that has an Android artifact and isn’t mpp I’ve just left as platform plugin for now. There’s not a lot of value in converting and adding a workaround. Waiting for 1.3.20 seems like less work
What’s the “official repo”? Jecenter or maven central?
I’ve been publishing to a bintray repo due to pace of changes in platform. Assuming that will be much more stable soonish.
meant the timber github repo. Seems like Jake wants to make it MPP. There is an issue for it
Ah. Ok
and a published artifact in the usual places (jcenter, maven central)
The other dimension is 4.10 gradle and metadata. Just FYI
And native
@kpgalligan do you know how to realease to maven cetnral with the new
I haven't managed yet
I’ll be republishing most of the libraries I’m using in Droidcon over the next few days for 4.10. In advance of Droidcon sf
@addamsson no on maven central. I suspect sqldelight will go there
i'm intrigued
I hacked JetBrains version of bintray plugin to push to bintray, which could in theory end up in jcenter, but gradle and publishing is not my favorite chore, so I tend to stop at “good enough “
yea I use jitpack 😄
Anything coming from square and/or jw tends to avoid bintray afaik. I haven’t explored why too much. Kind of waiting for somebody else to figure that out
my guess is that it is equally as hard to push to maven central
and when they are equally hard i'd rather use MC instead of bintray
Oh, I don’t think they are. Bintray is pretty easy, at least before 4.10, which took a little hacking. I’ll have to figure out how mc works to contribute to square libs, though. Any pr involves my hacks to bintray, which makes a mess. For my repos, though, not a big issue
Apparently I didn’t push changes, but latest goes to bintray with 4.10.2
In car on a phone, so it’ll be a bit before I get to it
for MC you need: - signing - javadoc - sources - ossrh user + approved domain
that's pretty much it
and straightforward to set up
Yeah, bintray needs a user org and user key, plus creating a project on mc requires some sort of application review. Probably a good thing, but easier to be up and pushing to bintray. Not saying that’s a good thing. Just simpler
I don’t know how that handles the metadata deployment. That definitely needs to work for native publishing
Some users of Square libraries use exclusively mavenCentral, so that's partly why they don't use bintray (although bintray mirrors mavenCentral)
All for it. Just waiting to see a functional sample :)
@kpgalligan Publishing on jcenter from bintray is not hard. You basically click a button, fill a form (ro just leave it empty), then wait for approval notification, and that's it, all the versions will be synced to jcenter
can you link to a square library which deploys to maven central and uses the
i'm not familiar with that lib
It's always better to push on jcenter, because you can't remove something from it just like you could on a private bintray repo, so it's more reliable to depend only on jcenter and mavenCentral published artifacts
Sort of
I’m not sure they’re ready for mpp publishing (or I didn’t include everything). Wasn’t a huge priority to sort out till after Droidcon
I agree that publishing to a non-changing endpoint is good. However, until recently, all native versions weren’t backward compatible, and gradle metadata also wasn’t (isn’t) backward compatible, so you wind up with a lot of versions, as you need to republish when anything changes. That obviously needs to stabilize as we go forward, but over the last few months, not much was stable
@kpgalligan You're just missing the sources. Here's what I use for Android only libraries:
@louiscad I have sources for js, jvm, and native artifacts. Still got bounced. Hence the “sort it out later” thinking. Didn’t feel like a conversation with bintray support, especially since I’m not a paying customer. The mpp publishes a lot of folders. That includes common folder and metadata folder, which I guess we could try to copy sources into, but you know. Not my highest priority
Today, I mean. Obviously eventually, but was also thinking a re-evaluation on jcenter va mavencentral
JCenter are untrustworthy, don't use them. We already have multiplatform publishing set up on SQL Delight for Maven Central. It's not hard.
@jw What makes you say they're untrustworthy? I want to know the rationale behind this statement.
Exciting instruction video

@jw how did you do that? Are you using the new
plugin? Can you point us to the source?
I just checked, there is no reference to
, I guess it uses the old multiplatform method
They use the
syntax instead, which I guess is a synonym though I don't really ever see that style outside of Square stuff.
oh I see
do you plan to write a guide on how to publish multiplatform projects to maven central?
Who are you asking? I don't think anyone has definitive best-practices outside of JetBrains at the moment.
I was asking @jw
Great thanks for that!!!