Silly questions somewhat related to KMPP: if I'm p...
# multiplatform
Silly questions somewhat related to KMPP: if I'm pulling in a KMPP build into an Android project using Composite Builds (
), is there a simple way to ignore all the ios/native/js platform modules? I only care about common/jvm/android ones, and there's a ton of irrelevant stuff taking up sidebar space in this project now 😞 Also, is it normal that
doesn't maintain the nesting of modules? I had the platform modules nested under the common ones in my KMPP, and now they've all been flattened 😞
Happy to file tickets if these aren't already solved problems. I'm just not sure if this is a limitation of my KMPP/Gradle-fu, or if they actually are issues that need Jetbrains's intervention 🙂
the included build is going to evaluate the settings file which is pulling in all of your KMPP modules. you could probably parameterize things to make it work but it might be best to just use the unload module option in the ide for the ones you don't need?
Ah yeah I forgot I could just unload modules in the IDE -- small price to pay until I actually publish artifacts to a private maven repo 😛