Hi! I'm following this tutorial for beginner: <htt...
# kotlin-native
Hi! I'm following this tutorial for beginner: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/native-get-started.html#count-the-unique-letters-in-your-name Everything works exactly as mentioned in that but one thing bothers me -- it doens't run automatically when I run
./gradlew runDebugExecutableNative
./gradlew runReleaseExecutableNative
. My IntelliJ just make a build binaries and said its job done. On the contrary, in the guide, it looks like the program is running when that commands initiated. So I wonder why my program doesn't work like that. I'm using macOS m1 (aarch64) v12.0.1, Kotlin v1.6.10 and Intellij v2021.3
what shown in tutorial:
what happened in my mac mini:
(As I said I can manually run the bin by
but it's boring)