I'm considering using Kotlin native to make an exe...
# kotlin-native
I'm considering using Kotlin native to make an executable that wraps a C library and allows interfacing with it. Is there any reason that I should be wary of using Kotlin Native for this? I need to make executables that run on Mac and windows On x86 and arm.
What would you be interfacing via?
What do you mean?
You want to interface with a C library through Kotlin, so what will use the interface?
oh - I thought Kotlin can call into C functions. I believe I can use the header files to generate the Kotlin stubs or something. I’m very new to native programming
If there is something better, I’m open to that as well
Kotlin native is not an alternative to JNI. Kotlin JVM can not call directly into C and neither into kotlin native
👍 1
@uli I’m aware. I’ve recently had problems using JNI from the JVM, and so I’m trying a new strategy where I create a Kotlin Native application / executable that interacts with the native library directly, and that I can call as a separate process.
His do you intend to communicate with the KN executable?
I expect responses in stdout. Every time I have a “request”, I’d just create a separate process.
Does that make sense?
If you are fine with the heavyness of forking a new process every time, this sounds like a reasonable approach
yes - the requests won’t happen often enough, that this will be a problem.
I’m having problems getting C interop to find all the library headers, and link the dylib on mac - if you have any insight to that on my other questions below 🙂
Did you ever find an answer to this @spierce7?
I was able to get it working
Do you have any public example?