I need to make a very simple http server in a kotl...
# kotlin-native
I need to make a very simple http server in a kotlin native app (just for rpc with a webapp). I can't find any kotlin-native-ready http server libraries, so does anybody know of any, and if not, what would be the best choice for making a simple tcp listener in kotlin native (and I could slap together a simple http implementation that would be good enough for my purposes)?
Ktor is multi platform. I haven’t tried it yet on native though. https://ktor.io/docs/http-client-multiplatform.html#add-dependencies
That is a link to client, not server though..
Yes, ktor-client is mpp, but not ktor-server. Mpp server is planned after new kn memory model arrives
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There's this , see if it gives you any ideas
And a gist
Sadly I need something that will also work on windows. Was really hoping to avoid cinterop stuff.
I wanted to avoid cinterop too because it is so painful to setup! I ended up going with the route of creating an interface that is implemented by target platforms.
I can use cinterop as a last resort, but either way I'd need an option that even supports the windows platform
Posix should cover most of fs, no?
So cinterops on nativeMain should be sufficient to cover all platforms
The gist i linked to doesn't use any custom cinterops and is built only on posix. See if it works for your usecase
oh, I assumed posix excluded windows, but yeah, I'll test whether it can build for windows when I get the chance, thanks
Windows as always is a special snowflake when it comes to posix, but id does have a partial implementation of the standard, so some things still work.
@capitalthree another option is to build on
that offers raw TCP socket support with selection. See this Simple Echo Server. You just have to replace
. So it will be single-threaded for now, until we have the new memory model and multithreaded coroutines. However, I guess coroutines on a single thread should be enough for a simple server. I tested it on linux and it works perfectly. (If you have a windows box, I'd be glad to know whether it works there too.) Based, on that it should not be too hard to implement a simple and naive HTTP implementation.
Btw, you also have its dependency
, if you want to do some funky binary IO.
also offers TLS...
Oh I'm seeing this way late, but thank you very much for the echo test example! I will work off of that.
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