I am trying to use the `cairo_region_create_rectan...
# kotlin-native
I am trying to use the
function ( https://www.cairographics.org/manual/cairo-Regions.html#cairo-region-create-rectangles ) from the Cairo library, but the function is after
as the first parameter and I don't know how to provide a
that contains multiple struct pointers. Below is the code that fails to compile (the values variable doesn't match what the
cairo_region_create_rectangles function
is expecting):
Copy code
// ...
fun createWithMultipleRectangles(vararg rectangles: IntRectangle): Region {
            val tmpArr = rectangles.map { it.cairoRect.ptr }.toTypedArray()
            val values = cValuesOf(*tmpArr)
            return Region(cairo_region_create_rectangles(values, rectangles.size))
// ...
One way to do it is to do the following:
Copy code
fun createWithMultipleRectangles(vararg rectangles: IntRectangle): Region = memScoped {
            val tmpArr = allocArray<_cairo_rectangle_int>(rectangles.size)
            rectangles.forEachIndexed { pos, item ->
                tmpArr[pos].height = item.height
                tmpArr[pos].width = item.width
                tmpArr[pos].x = item.xPos
                tmpArr[pos].y = item.yPos
            return Region(cairo_region_create_rectangles(tmpArr, rectangles.size))
Although this works (no compile errors) rectangles is deep copied, which isn't what I want to achieve. I want to pass through the
pointers to the function as the first parameter.