Hi, I noticed there is a new "ios_simulator_arm64"...
# kotlin-native
Hi, I noticed there is a new "ios_simulator_arm64" target in the 1.5.20 native compiler. Can this already be used together with the multiplatform gradle plugin to compile projects for the M1 simulator? I can’t find anything in the docs but perhaps there’s a way to patch things together already?
It's coming in 1.5.30 and you're seeing early work that will become available next from the Gradle plugin API.
Awesome, thank you! Is there an eta for 1.5.30? Weeks, months, ...?
You can see how long it took to go from 1.4.20 to 1.4.30, I think it'll be similar. I personally think we will see Milestone releases this summer (and you can already try dev versions), and a release sometime in September amid vacations, but I might be wrong.
👍 1
Thank you, that’s all I need to know 🙂