We are using kotlin-native to build a crossplatfor...
# kotlin-native
We are using kotlin-native to build a crossplatform library used on android and iOS. On iOS the the binaries for the different apple platforms are bundled in a xcframework and distributed inside a binary SPM-package. Everything works as expected when deploying locally but apple keeps rejecting our binary appstore with the following errors. Anyone has experienced the same and give us a hint how to fix this?
App Store Connect Operation Error
ERROR ITMS-90205: "Invalid Bundle. The bundle at '<http://XXXX.app/Frameworks/XXXXMobileShared.framework|XXXX.app/Frameworks/XXXXMobileShared.framework>' contains disallowed nested bundles."
App Store Connect Operation Error
ERROR ITMS-90206: "Invalid Bundle. The bundle at '<http://XXXX.app/Frameworks/XXXXMobileShared.framework|XXXX.app/Frameworks/XXXXMobileShared.framework>' contains disallowed file 'Frameworks'."
@Paul Woitaschek cc
My guess is that the framework is added to the target bundle by Xcode. Make sure the framework is not part of the 'copy bundle resources' build phase.
The framework is not copied as a resource. It is used in multiple targets (main app, extensions) tho.
The issue is based on the Problem described here: https://forums.swift.org/t/swift-packages-in-multiple-targets-results-in-this-will-result-in-duplication-of-library-code-errors/34892/39 SPM thinks every xcframework contains a dynamic framework and copy it. The workaround is to modify the archive as mentioned in step two in the post I linked. This can be scripted in the Post-Actions of a build.
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