More questions about SQLDelight + iOS from my side...
# kotlin-native
More questions about SQLDelight + iOS from my side ๐Ÿ™‚ 1. I am creating a new in-memory database instance for every test case. But on iOS it may contain data from previous test cases. On Android it is always clean. Is it expected behaviour? 2. Looks like last_insert_rowid() does not work on iOS, but works on Android. Is it just not implemented yet?
1. In-memory for the native driver I believe uses an on-disk cache to make threads work. Not exactly sure what the workarounds are. We ended up Just creating new ones each time and cleaning up after. If you do the create statements in a transaction during your test, the cost is low. 2. It works, but you need to do it in a transaction to force the call onto the writer thread. last_insert_rowid (along with many other SQLite functions) are connection-specific/sensitive. Android may be using a single connection, which is why it works. There may be configurations for Android that "break" it in a similar way talks about the caching behavior
Haven't tried using "memory" yet. That may do it and may invalidate my claim about threads
Thanks @basher , the question 2 is solved by using transactions. Thanks! The question 1 is still open. The "memory" database name did not help. So clearing the database in @After for now.
I see that new instances of the database and its driver are created for every test case, however the "create" callback is executed only once. Which means the database itself is somehow cached.
Dang. Not sure then sorry. In our tests, we just don't use in-memory and delete the files after each
Alright, for now I will clear the database inside @Before or @After
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I think if you call
on the driver between tests it will clear the in-memory data
Looks like there's an option for in-memory DB in SQLiter but it might not be exposed by SQLDelight (which uses SQLiter under the hood)
(Also 2. sounds like a nice lint check to implement ๐Ÿค“ )
Sorry, been off the slacks today. SQLiter is due for some updates. Sqlite has some odd edge cases, so you have to sort of tread carefully, but will take a look at in memory updates.
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@kpgalligan "so you have to sort of tread carefully" - this sounds like something important, but I can't understand what does this mean ๐Ÿ™‚ Could you please elaborate?
I mean with the driver work. The drivers hide the weirdness. For example, I forget the details off hand, but something really bad happens with multiple unnamed memory connections. It's been over a year since I went deep on it. I'd need to jump back in, but these use cases in mind.
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Now it's clear, thanks!
This is what I was thinking of. You can create multiple connections for in memory, but they need a name and a weird file cache thing. Otherwise, I think we need to rewire things to use a single memory connection. I forget exactly what goes wrong otherwise, but I remember it wasn't great. In any case, I'll be poking around the driver:
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Added a solution idea in SQLiter issue #7 for the unnamed in-memory database problem:
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