Itty Bitty Apps are hiring mid-level Android devs....
# australia
Itty Bitty Apps are hiring mid-level Android devs. Lots of opportunities for modern Kotlin & Compose dev.
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any KMP projects?
None that I know of, unfortunately. I do a bit of KMP on my personal projects - but the teams are generally very native-focussed, so Iā€™m not sure how much room there is for KMP.
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KMP is native though. if you share UI then itā€™s starting to get less native but thatā€™s optional.
It is and it isnā€™t. If youā€™re an iOS dev, then writing code in Kotlin isnā€™t what youā€™d call native development. Even if the code ends up the same.
Iā€™m an advocate for KMP. But getting buy-in from iOS developers is probably the biggest hurdle.
If a Swift tool came along and I was asked to start building parts of my Android applications in Swift, I wouldnā€™t be super excited by it
true but thatā€™s like saying that the backend needs to be native ios. this is just my POV since the shared logic should be platform agnostic for the most part. But I get what you mean.
if swift was doing what Kotlin was doing I would be open to using swift instead. however so far I still prefer Kotlin and it would never really be the same anyway since objective c is not used in backends all over the world. whereas java is and hence you can add kotlin and have ā€œkotlin everywhereā€. Iā€™m finding some ios devs becoming more open to it as they see itā€™s far better than react native and other options. businesses seem to want to do some sort of cross platform. I feel thatā€™s where itā€™s headed one way or another. itā€™s only alpha though so early days. and the swift calling suspend functions is not super nice yet.
I think KMP has a purpose, but itā€™s not for every project. Some projects the iOS and Android apps are built in parallel, some are fast-follow, and others are only built on one platform. Sometimes you have a really lean team working on multiple platforms, and other times you have a ton of members working on a single platform. So, it really just depends on the project, the client, the size of the team, budget and a bunch of other stuff.
for sure it always depends. thatā€™s one of the strengths of KMP though is that itā€™s super flexible. but yeah sometimes itā€™s not required at all if every one is ok with doing ā€œfull nativeā€. I get the mentality.
I really do like KMP and I would genuinely love to be using it at work. But the more purely-iOS devs you have involved, the more overhead there is in everyone learning it. And then itā€™s still pretty new, and I know in my experience there are tons of sharp edges and things you can really sink your time into. Itā€™s just another potential point of failure I guess. I know I sounds like Iā€™m against KMP šŸ˜… If I had a small team building a greenfield iOS & Android project then I would definitely push for KMP. And, on top of all that, we all love KMP because we all love Kotlin. But Swift devs love Swift, so itā€™s not such an obvious choice for them (I think). Not that Iā€™ve really talked to any iOS devs using KMP
nah I totally get where youā€™re coming from. all good šŸ™‚
Iā€™m just so over the ios and android. I look forward to a world of ā€œmobile devsā€. I try not to get attached to things. Iā€™m learning ios too.
Haha. Yeah, I do both iOS and Android and Iā€™m a bit the same - I like to think of myself as a software engineer rather than a mobile developer
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I also use an iphone as my daily driver as I love the apple watch and android watches still suck.
Yeah, I wonder if the Pixel Watch will be any good. I chop and change a bit, Iā€™m going back to iOS later this year - my last iPhone was a 6s
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It sounds like weā€™re in a similar position. Itā€™s tricky - I havenā€™t done solid iOS dev for about 18 months and I feel waay behind. I missed all the Combine stuff, now SwiftUI is out, and thereā€™s some nonsense about sendable that seems confusing. So, I like to be multi-disciplined, but I also want to be an expert - very hard to be both.
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I think of my self as software engineer more broadly but currently Iā€™m only really working on mobile apps so itā€™s more specific. Like technically I could think of myself as a biological neural net but itā€™s not very helpful in terms of helping someone else understand what I do day to day at the present time.
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itā€™s hard to learn both but theyā€™re getting more and more similar over time and with KMP you can get ever closer to managing both on your own.
I could think of myself as a biological neural net
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