Hi, I am a newbie to serverless and this example f...
# http4k
Hi, I am a newbie to serverless and this example from the documentation is very helpful: http4k Tutorial: Serverless http4k with AWS Lambda I am able to quickly deploy and understand the nuances. Thanks for this great library and documentation. Now I am looking for an example where a db is used with AWS lambda in Http4k, are there any sample codebases which can help? Thanks!
Hey. Not specifically any examples for this... although there should be no differences to using standard DB/cloud DB.
Thanks @dave for the response, I am looking to build something that runs on AWS lambda. (I used the pokemon example from Jetbrains webinar) and deployed with Pulumi… Now I am unable to connect the dots (coz of my lack of experience with aws) how can I make this cloud service use a cloud db as I deploy it? (sorry if it’s too basic)
Does this
serve as any reference?: https://github.com/daviddenton/http4kbox/tree/master/serverless
Not really because it uses raw http and S3. You want to use the aws SDK (or maybe Http4k-connect) with something like dynamodb.
yes right… let me dive into htt4k-connect… thanks @dave!
Hi @dave, I see this http-connect suits my usecase: https://github.com/http4k/http4k-connect/tree/master/amazon/dynamodb I am currently trying to connect to local DynamoDB (running on localhost:8000) and then deploy. How can I configure local endpoint with the
client provided by http4k?
i m guessing somthing to do with the
but couldnt get it right!
Nope. You should wrap the http (client) handler passed into the Dynamo construction with a SetBaseHostFrom filter to set it up and redirect the traffic
Thanks @dave , I am sorry, do u mind sending a small code snippet of what you just mentioned. Thanks
Copy code
val dynamo =
            http = SetBaseUriFrom(Uri.of("<http://localhost:8000>"))