Hello, I'm new to this and having a little trouble...
# http4k
Hello, I'm new to this and having a little trouble wrapping my head around a basic concept. So I have the generated ExampleContractRoute,
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object ExampleContractRoute {
    // this specifies the route contract, including examples of the input and output body objects - they will
    // get exploded into JSON schema in the OpenAPI docs
    private val spec = "/echo" meta {
        summary = "echoes the name and message sent to it"
        receiving(nameAndMessageLens to NameAndMessage("jim", "hello!"))
        returning(OK, nameAndMessageLens to NameAndMessage("jim", "hello!"))
    } bindContract POST

    // note that because we don't have any dynamic parameters, we can use a HttpHandler instance instead of a function
    private val echo: HttpHandler = { request: Request ->
        val received: NameAndMessage = nameAndMessageLens(request)
        Response(OK).with(nameAndMessageLens of received)

    operator fun invoke(): ContractRoute = spec to echo
which is being called inside contract in my app function
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"/" bind contract {
        renderer = OpenApi3(ApiInfo("Test API", "v1.0"), Jackson)

        // Return Swagger API definition under /swagger.json
        descriptionPath = "/swagger.json"

        // Add contract routes
        routes += ExampleContractRoute()
        routes += HealthRoute()
and I'm trying to add a nested route to the ExampleContract route, like
just as a toy example What would be idiomatic way to do that?
I think I have a handle on how to look for parameters, and I think I could do nested routes without openapi, but I"m not groking ContractRoutes I guess.
AFAICT none of the examples, deeper or otherwise, show nesting for openapi contracts. If I've missed it please let me know where
You haven't missed anything. Contract routes cannot be nested inside each other. You can mix and match the styles and put a contract inside another standard routes block however (and bind all routes to a common prefix)
Ok, so if I had something like
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GET /account/{id}
POST /account/{id}/task/{taskType}
And wanted both to be reflect in the swagger docs, could I just do a ContractRoute function for both of those? like
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fun acountRoute(): ContractRoute {
    val spec = "/account" / <http://Path.int|Path.int>().of("accountId") meta {
        summary = "retuns accoutn details"
    } bindContract GET

    return spec to ::greet
fun taskRoute(): ContractRote {
    val spec = "/account" / <http://Path.int|Path.int>().of("accountId") / task / Path.string().of("taskType") meta {

// (elsewhere)
"/api" bind contract {
   routes += accountRoute()
   route += taskRoute()
Sorry, I'm also new to writing REST apis in general
Don't apologize! We're here to help. 🙃
🙏 2
Anyway - yes - you would probably put them next to each other. But in your example they would be on /api/account/... (Because of the routes block)
Right, and that's fine. I just want to make sure that defining /account/{id}/task/{taskType} separately from (rather than nesting under) /account/{id} won't block things
I was about to try this, but also wanted to ask about the idiomatic way to do it It works doesn't always mean it makes sense. 🙂
Yep - the routes blocks all work the same under the covers - the route tree gets flattened and the first match in the list wins
Ok, cool. Future proofing question so I can take notes: So if I think a route should be working, but it isn't, what's the best way to debug the route matching?
(Thank you so much for the quick responses!)
Np. It's easy when the questions are easy. 🙃