PSA - we've added search back into the http4k site...
# http4k
PSA - we've added search back into the http4k site - powered by Algolia. Hopefully it's useful - but feedback appreciated 😄
🙌 3
Seems work well! A small stylistic thing. The search/magnifier icon is in a bit of a weird spot. Maybe it could be aligned to the right inside the search? If you make the #searchBox
position: relative
and then do something like
position: absolute; right: 6px; z-index: 10; top: 5px;
give or take.
oooh - thanks! CSS isn't my strong point!
@Riku have put this on the site. thanks again! 🙂
yep a little sharper now 🙂
Great, I tried it at some point but couldn't make it work great you did it... better search directly on the site that going back to google and prefixing http4k ...