A quick reminder that this coming Tuesday @ 1700BS...
# http4k
A quick reminder that this coming Tuesday @ 1700BST @s4nchez and I will be presenting a JetBrains Webinar on your favourite http toolkit. We'll be live coding an app and showing the different runtime options (server/aws/Graal). Details and sign-up here: https://info.jetbrains.com/kotlin-webinar-june-15-2021.html
🎉 2
I can't remember if you've already said, but will there be a recording that I can watch later?
There definitely should be unless something goes hideously wrong, that's what JetBrains have done with the rest of them - it'll end up on the Kotlun YouTube channel.
But if you're feeling cruel then watching me getting stressed as l live code badly is probably more fun. 😉
If only I could watch you getting stressed live. Sadly, some evil person has booked a meeting at 5pm today that I have to go to.
😂 (the webinar is on tuesday btw, so if you're meeting is today. then you might be in luck....)
Sadly my meeting is also on Tuesday. When I said “today”, that was me using Slack before having coffee.