<@U766RQY2D> omg. It's a total nightmare. The late...
# http4k
@Razvan omg. It's a total nightmare. The latest was this morning when we discovered that the new BOM was no longer compatible with any of our projects because of gradle magic. Of course we only found that out today because it took 12 hours for the artifacts to actually make their way into maven central after publishing them.
Yes, seeing the release comments seems like a big mess. Good luck.
Hopefully it's done now.. 🙄
you can use the artifacts from oss.sonatype.org before they make it to maven central (I spent the weekend publishing my projects to maven central)
thanks - that's useful. No good for our users though - we're currently sending out automated release comms to people before the things resolve in MC. 🙄
i think there should be a way to test the artifacts while they are still in the staging repo. but I don’t know how