I created a basic Hello World app using the http4k...
# http4k
I created a basic Hello World app using the http4k generator. I can do a gradle clean build and a jar file is generated. When I try to run the jar file, I get an error that the jar is missing a manifest file. I added a jar tag with a manifest attribute but now I'm getting class loading errors. Anyone know what I'm missing?
are you using shadowjar? the problem will be the mime-type file I assume?
(if you're not using shadowjar you problaby should
Yes, I'm using the shadow jar. What should I check in the mime-type file?
if you're using shadow, you need to merge the service files
which is pretty much putting this in your gradle file:
Copy code
shadowJar {
I'm actually not sure if the toolbox is generating the correct output for the shadowJar option.
Thanks, let me check it
(I've located the bug in the toolbox which you hit by the way - when you selected the shadowJar option it didn't actually select it - fixing it now! 🙂 )
Cool, thanks
Another option is to use
gradle install
and then you’ll have a script you can run at
I believe you get this for free with the
yeah - the shadowjar is a convienient way of bundling stuff, but it really depends on how the service is going to be started in the target environment - if it's going to be
java -jar XYZ
or a docker container where you can call a script.