<@U4H0M349G> Is it possible to add the `OpenApiExt...
# http4k
@dave Is it possible to add the
for the
in OpenApi spec through http4k-contract? My scenario is that I want to be able to add a custom attribute with a value to every path in my OpenApi Spec. I was able to add a custom attribute block using OpenApiExtension to the
field in
. But I am not sure how to do it for each of my path object
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apiBaseUrl bind contract {
      renderer = OpenApi3(
        ApiInfo(apiName, apiVersion, apiName),
      descriptionPath = swaggerJsonPath
      routes += contractRoutes
I want my rendered OpenAPI Spec to have the
object something like this
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"paths": {
  "/abc": {
    "x-custom-classification": "INTERNAL",
    "get": {
  "/def": {
    "x-custom-classification": "PUBLIC",
    "get": {
Is there a way for me to inject
attribute to the open api spec for every path using OpenApiExtensions?
I am seeing that the
Path Item Object
in OpenAPI3 Spec MAY be extended with
OpenAPI Extensions
yes - the extensions each receive access to the entire document structure. you can do whatever you like with them.. 🙂
So when I am defining my route, how do I inject the extension or create a route that extends from the extension?
Copy code
"/echo" meta {
        summary = "echoes the name and message sent to it"
        receiving(body to NameAndMessage("jim", "hello!"))
        returning(OK, body to NameAndMessage("jim", "hello!"))
    } bindContract POST to { request: Request ->
        val received: NameAndMessage = body(request)
        Response(OK).with(body of received)
Do you have any example?
you can't inject an extension into the routes currrently. you have to inject them into the OpenApi renderer
and they operate on the entire node structure of the document
the example is in the tests. Look at OpenApi3Test and you can see AddSimpleFieldToRootNode . The output can be seen at
http4k-contract/src/test/resources/org/http4k/contract/openapi/v3/OpenApi3AutoTest.renders as expected.approved
👍 1
Thank you @dave - taking a look!
So my example also followed a similar pattern and I was able to see a custom block of object getting added at the root of the node. Do I have to add some conditionals in the extension class if I need the custom block to be added only at certain path levels?
yes, you need to implement the entire logic piece to navigate to where you need it
Oh my, I thought it would be easy 🙂 Now I will have to debug and add the conditionals for the JSON Node