Any idea how to make kapt (http4k-connect) generat...
# http4k
Any idea how to make kapt (http4k-connect) generate the right return type ? I changed form
Result<R. RemoteFailure>
Result<R, Response>
but it keeps generating the extension action function with RemoteFailure. Cleaned hole project but still fails with:
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Type mismatch: inferred type is Result<LineAidResponse /* = Map<String, String> */, Response> but Result<Map<String, String>, RemoteFailure> was expected
ah - at the moment it's hardcoded to RemoteFailure. We'll have to fix that
for the moment, take a copy of the
and fix it up manually?
The problem I had with RemoteFailure is that it requires the app that uses the connecter to add connect-core as dependency if it wants to pass the response to another function.... Wouldn't be useful RemoteFailure in http4k-core ?
can the other app see the Action interface?
they're in the same place.
basically there might also be a problem with the dependencies (which we can fix)..
No the app does not have dependency to the connect-core where Action is. Just to the specific connector I made. I can access the response's members via response.reason but just can't pass it to other function (I can workaround by creating another object that uses the response.reason members).
I've fixed the
so it doesn't hardcode the result and you are free to vary the result type as you wish.
@Razvan v2.14.1.0 is releasing right now with that change so hopefully that will unblock you.
Thanks that's fast. Wasn't true the fact that I can access RemoteFailure members without... I can from ide but does not build as depency is missing. Thanks a lot
Another question about connect can't the kapt plugin n use the version from the bom ?
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if I don't set the version it fails with
> Could not find org.http4khttp4k connect kapt generator.
I don't know why it doesn't work with teh kapt method...
the release is finally running... after a bunch of hassle.
should be available in a few minutes in jcenter
Thank you ! Works as expected.