Hi, I have several issues with ZipkinTraces. I'll ...
# http4k
Hi, I have several issues with ZipkinTraces. I'll post them in the thread.
1. ZiplinTraces for client call does not create a new span_id if current parentId is null:
Copy code
    fun `client does not create new span_id if parent null`() {
        val cliWithEvents = ClientFilters.RequestTracing()
                ResponseFilters.ReportHttpTransaction {
                    println("REQUEST:" + it.request)
            .then({ Response(OK) })

        ZipkinTraces.setForCurrentThread(ZipkinTraces(TraceId("trace_id"), TraceId("span_id"), null))
        cliWithEvents(Request(Method.GET, "/parentNull"))

        ZipkinTraces.setForCurrentThread(ZipkinTraces(TraceId("trace_id"), TraceId("span_id"), TraceId("parent_id")))
        cliWithEvents(Request(Method.GET, "/parentNotNull"))
Copy code
REQUEST:GET /parentNull HTTP/1.1
x-b3-traceid: trace_id
x-b3-spanid: span_id
x-b3-sampled: 1

REQUEST:GET /parentNotNull HTTP/1.1
x-b3-traceid: trace_id
x-b3-spanid: 588dc95032d588ca
x-b3-parentspanid: span_id
x-b3-sampled: 1
I expected to be the second one for both
Not sure I follow. What it's printed seem correct to me: • traceId got propagated • spanId of parent becomes parentspanId of child • new spanId created in child
How did you expect it to look?
Both should be the same as the second one,. no reason if the parentid before the client call is null to not create a new span, and use the parent's spanid as parentId. In both cases wheather or not before the call parent is null there should be:
Copy code
x-b3-traceid: trace_id
x-b3-spanid: 588dc95032d588ca
x-b3-parentspanid: span_id
x-b3-sampled: 1
I'm still lost. Maybe it'd help me if you show how you expected the two requests to look like (as in the example above), as I could't understand even which request is wrong 😞
Should print:
Copy code
REQUEST:GET /parentNull HTTP/1.1
x-b3-traceid: trace_id
x-b3-spanid: 588dc95032d588ca
x-b3-parentspanid: span_id
x-b3-sampled: 1

REQUEST:GET /parentNotNull HTTP/1.1
x-b3-traceid: trace_id
x-b3-spanid: 588dc95032d588ca
x-b3-parentspanid: span_id
x-b3-sampled: 1
But instead, in the first case (call on
) there is no parentspanId and not a new spanId
In the first answer
Copy code
REQUEST:GET /parentNull HTTP/1.1
x-b3-traceid: trace_id
x-b3-spanid: span_id  ******* THIS IS WRONG SHOULD BE A NEW SPAN ID ******
**** THERE SHOULD BE x-b3-parentspanid: span_id*******
x-b3-sampled: 1
Sorry for the delay. Gotcha. I do think you hit a bug. I'll try and write a full test for it.
Thanks do you want me to report it in github or you'll trace it ?
Up to you, really. It's already on my radar now.