Hi, I've setup a small netty server in a project t...
# http4k
Hi, I've setup a small netty server in a project to serve prometheus scrapes. It works fine, but a little while after I hit the endpoint I start seeing
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2020-10-08T19:17:15.008682Z [WARN] An exceptionCaught() event was fired, and it reached at the tail of the pipeline. It usually means the last handler in the pipeline did not handle the exception. exception_message=Connection reset by peer exception_name=java.io.IOException
Is there something I can setup to avoid this stacktrace? I assume this is because of keepalive.
guessing at the moment (AFK), but try wrapping your entire app with a CatchAll filter. we shouldn't really let exceptions be bubbling out to the underlying server
gotcha, i'll try that out.