Could anybody help that what is wrong with this co...
# http4k
Could anybody help that what is wrong with this code?
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val app = { request: Request -> Response(OK).body("Hello, ${request.query("name")}!") }

val jettyServer = app.asServer(Jetty(9006)).start()
 val client = WebsocketClient.blocking(Uri.of("<wss://>"), headers = listOf(Pair("a header", "value")))


        // read all of the messages from the socket until it is closed (by the server).
        // we expect to get one message back before the stream is closed.
I am able to connect but I am not receiving any message. I want to develop a websocket client always send and receive messages to/from the server
The problem here is that you are calling toList() on the received sequence (which reifies it into a list), and the server isn't being closed by the server so the sequence never completes. if you remove toList() then you get the echo
Thanks @dave Yes, you are right, The second question is how could I keep listen to the server and process the incoming message one by one. I can not see any sample code for that. I can see a queue. I want to have a listener on the queue.
I guess that for this purpose I need to use
one. Sorry to ask this questions I am quite new to http4k😊
Np. helping is what we're here for! 🙃
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WsMessage(body=[2,"6331bde8ece14de7ab7da70a86ac4130","My server response",{"key1":"value1","key2":null}])
onMessage I am receiving this. I have no idea what is first two elements as my server is sending
My server response
so the question is How can I pass it to lense to disrealise? I saw this sample for moneylense. Thanks @dave
that's very strange - I've got no idea where that array is coming from in your WsMessage - could you post a snippet showing your server code? as you can see from your original example, a WsMessage("hello") will serialise and deserialise correctly. To use a lens with a WsMessage, here is an example:
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data class Message(val s: String)

val lens =<Message>().toLens()

val serialised: WsMessage = lens(Message("foo"))
val deserialised: Message = lens(serialised)
@dave I am receiving array of string like this so the question is how can I use lens for de serialising that
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[2,"6331bde8ece14de7ab7da70a86ac4130","My server response",{"key1":"value1","key2":null}]
Just use List<String> in the lens definition should work.
@dave How can I get the exception when my socket connection is not successful using WebsocketClient.nonBlocking? as I am providing any invalid url and I am not getting any exception
Another question can I use resilience4j for the websocket client reconnection purpose also?
@Mehdi it does look like when the connection is made in a non-blocking way there is a race condition there between adding an error handler. I've added an optional errorHandler parameter to the constructor call, which will go out in the next release.
Ok thanks, how about retry connection feature? How we I can reconnect?
I'm afraid that it's not currently supported - see:
Yes, Indeed. I also requested that😊, what about something like this?
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un tryToReconect(client:WebSocketClient){
        while (!client.connection.isOpen)
            Timer("SettingUp", false).schedule(60000) {