It's for Jade4J fyi
# http4k
It's for Jade4J fyi
👍 2
Thanks for the PR. Just out of interest, what have you found about jade that you'd recommend over the other template engines that we already support?
I used it a lot when using node, it's a lot less verbose, and IMHO easier to look at than other template languages
Also supports things like includes, partials, etc
Cool. I think we possibly need some kind of feature grid to aid people on choosing an engine. TBH I mostly just end up going for the one I know by default (handlebars) 🙃
Yea, I imagine most people will just go for what ever they know, or failing that what ever is closest to pure html
I've now released this, but we need to do the jCenter dance to get it included, which generally takes a couple of days. Then we need to sync to MavenCentral
If you need it in the meantime, you can grab it from the http4k bintray repo at:
😞 we forgot to add it to the bintray release script. fixing that up now
Actually - things have gone exceptionally smoothly and the module should now be available in maven and jcenter 🙂