<@UJV6CBCKW> np. have a look here and just yell if...
# http4k
@Razi Kheir np. have a look here and just yell if you need any more help. 🙃 https://www.http4k.org/guide/modules/clients/
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Thanks a bunch, your a life saver, maybe I need more coffee today xD didn’t even see that!
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One more! I see netty is not mentioned as a supported client, but I also saw that it had some issues on benchmarks, should I switch to Jetty or apache for client and backend?
The Netty backend seems to have some issues which we've never managed to reproduce (there's an open issue on it), compounded by the fact that we've never used it in prod to find out. My preferred stack is undertow for the backend (which is Netty under the covers) and OkHttp for the client, but tbh it really comes down to what you're most happy configuring and working with. If you need websockets then Jetty for the backend is your only choice currently.
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Pedant alert: Undertow doesn't use Netty, it uses XNIO (http://xnio.jboss.org/).
@fredrik.nordin ah - interesting. thanks for clarifying. 🙂
But I did remember reading somewhere (official) that someone actually recommended using Undertow for this kind of purpose as opposed to Netty.
Undertow is very stable. We use it as the server impl at my current gig too.
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