Hey guys/girls! thanks a lot for giving me the opt...
# http4k
Hey guys/girls! thanks a lot for giving me the option to join this channel! I actually just started working backend and with kotlin for first time a few days ago. I’m kind of happy I chose kotlin and http4k, the community already seems great 🙂 I ran into a small problem, and I was wondering if any of you can help me out with it: When using OpenApi3 with lenses and contracts, the reference format of the schema seems to not be RFC3986-compliant. schema: * $ref: ‘#/components/schemas/urnjsonschemaqweyzdxyz’* Error: “Semantic error at paths./api/v1/yyy.post.xxx.content.application/json.schema.$ref $ref values must be RFC3986-compliant percent-encoded URIs Jump to line 26” Am I not using it correctly? or is there a way to configure this in OpenApi3 of Http4k?
@Razi Kheir You are using it correctly - we're in the process of deciding what to do with the Auto renderer since it doesn't seem to be completely compliant - for the moment I suggest trying to drop back to use OpenApi2 which should be compliant (but isn't quite as auto-magical)
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Thanks for the awesome work 🙂 I did start using 2.0 for now ^_^ I’m learning kotlin and backend related stuff, who knows maybe I’ll be able to help with some stuff soon 🙂
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