<@U8RMYTB5L> Here's an example of how to combine l...
# http4k
@David Hamilton Here's an example of how to combine list of filters in a functional fashion:
Copy code
val defaultStack = Filter.NoOp.then(ClientFilters.GZip())

    val additionalFilters: List<Filter> = listOf(
        ClientFilters.BasicAuth("user", "pass"))

    // additional after default
    val combinedFilter1: Filter = additionalFilters.fold(defaultStack) { acc, next -> acc.then(next) }
    // additional before default
    val combinedFilter2: Filter = additionalFilters.fold(Filter.NoOp) { acc, next -> acc.then(next) }.then(defaultStack)
You even answered the unspoken question of whether the filters should be added before or after the existing stack
They can be added in either order. It depends on how your default stack is supposed to be used by each service really