<@UB61X37CY> sure. http4k was developed as a perso...
# http4k
@Xavier Hanin sure. http4k was developed as a personal side project (and then subsequently used on) the redevelopment of www.nature.com (a major scientific publisher- where it makes up the vast bulk of the micro-service backend infra, serving 10s of millions of hits per day from a cloud-based backend. The number of nodes of each service probably averages at 6 . You can see the alexa.com stats here (it's 810 in the Global ranking, 395 in China): https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/nature.com I can't disclose the names of the banks unfortunately. Performance-wise, you can take a look at the latest tech-empower rankings to see how it compares (I've filtered here for JVM only): https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=test&amp;runid=06753cdf-6519-4569-b9ea-c3ca36c9b07d&amp;hw=ph&amp;test=fortune&amp;l=xan3i3-3
👍 1
@dave thanks again for this information, my customer accepted my recommendation to go for http4k, I’m very enthusiast! Not a big project but still the company is a global one operating all over the world and the solution will be used in the US and Europe (as a start)
cool! let us know if you need any help with anything 🙂
Oh, I've just started working on a startup where people are used to Golang. I'll propose Kotlin with Http4k since that's what I'm most fluent with.