I have an HttpHandler that is returning `HTTP/1.1 ...
# http4k
I have an HttpHandler that is returning
HTTP/1.1 400 body 'body' must be object
This message is hiding an exception. How can I get hold of it? I have these filters:
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"/sgzr/api/v1" bind Api.router(productService, orderService)
).let {
I think it would be nice to have the exception message or even the stack trace included in the response body
And does the order of CatchAll and CatchLensFailure matter ?
the ordering does matter - the CatchAll will turn any uncaught exception into a 500. The CatchLensFailure catches LensFailures and turns them into a 400
the LensFailure DOES contain the exception that caused it, so if you write you own CatchLensFailure implementation you can do as you please for the moment:
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object CatchLensFailure : Filter {
        override fun invoke(next: HttpHandler): HttpHandler = {
            try {
            } catch (lensFailure: LensFailure) {
                when {
                    lensFailure.target is Response -> throw lensFailure
                    lensFailure.target is RequestContext -> throw lensFailure
                    lensFailure.overall() == Failure.Type.Unsupported -> Response(UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE)
                    else -> Response(BAD_REQUEST.description(lensFailure.failures.joinToString("; ")))
It turns out I only needed to invert the order of the 2 catchers, which now is:
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Before this, only
HTTP/1.1 400 body 'body' must be object
would appear By doing this, a nice stack trace appears on stdout (only
Here's what I get now:
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HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

org.http4k.lens.LensFailure: body 'body' must be object
	at org.http4k.contract.ContractRouteSpec$invoke$1.invoke(routeSpec.kt:31)
	at org.http4k.contract.ContractRouteSpec$invoke$1.invoke(routeSpec.kt:11)
	at org.http4k.core.Http4kKt$then$2.invoke(Http4k.kt:19)
But your suggestion seems better
The Lens Failure was caused by an
InvalidJSONException: Could not convert to a JSON Object or Array
. I want to have this information readily available. I'll follow your suggestion of creating a custom CatchLensFailure
yep - it's a general failure. are you using GSON?
ok - currently we swallow the exception and it isn't passed to the InvalidJsonException. I'll change that to add the cause
(which might give you a better example of what's going on and why your JSON is invalid)
actually - it looks like that exception is directly caused by something in your code not being able to convert a string to an object or an array:
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override fun String.asJsonObject(): JsonElement = JsonParser().parse(this).let { if(it.isJsonArray || it.isJsonObject) it else throw InvalidJsonException() }
that would be great, thanks!
in fact, the problem is that the reference is null
so there isn't currently a cause to display
But at least there's the name of the exception to be shown - InvalidJsonException
yeah - you can see that the parse doesn't fail - it fails the test in the let
throw InvalidJsonException("Not an array nor an object: $it")
would it make sense?
yeah - I'll change it to be a message
Having more contextual information on the exception feels good.
Here's how I would change the LensFailure class:
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open class LensFailure(val failures: List<Failure>, override val cause: Exception? = null, val target: Any? = null)
    : Exception(failures.joinToString { "$it" } + (cause?.let { " ($it)" } ?: ""), cause) {
Does it look good?
no need to change the LensFailure. we've already got the cause as a field if we need it - you can get the message from there.
Generally we use the message as a general purpose thing and then we can drill down to get the cause message if we need it
got it
so in your new CatchLensFailure filter, you can just access the cause and then add it if required
yep, exactly