:wave: Hi all! I’m tying to setup a transparent s...
# compose
👋 Hi all! I’m tying to setup a transparent status bar, via the Accompanist SystemUIController, with no luck. Hopefully someone can tell me what I’m doing wrong …. My Activity’s
looks like this:
Copy code
WindowCompat.setDecorFitsSystemWindows(window, false)

setContent {
    MyAppTheme {
        val systemUIController = rememberSystemUiController()
        SideEffect {
                color = Color.Transparent,
                darkIcons = true
But the status bar is rendered as solid white, as shown in this screenshot (note how the text at the top is cut off as it scrolls under the status bar)
You still have to call this line, and then you're set. More info here if you wanna get deep into it, but yeah. add this and then you're set.


definitely update to latest stable androidx.core, there were some bugs before.