Hi! Is it possible to get the sources somewhere to...
# compose-desktop
Hi! Is it possible to get the sources somewhere to navigate to them when doing cmd+click from IntelliJ? I downloaded the sources from the release (https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-jb/releases/tag/v1.1.1), but they seem not to be there. I can’t find the source anywhere in the repo either. Sorry if this is a silly question, I’m just starting with compose desktop 😅
Hmm, I do see most of the source when I F12. I use 1.2.0-alpha though.
A lot of code contains in submodule project. Please read this doc: https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-jb/tree/master/compose#readme
I see… Ok, I’ll try that. Thanks!