are there recommendations for moving from Java to ...
# spring
are there recommendations for moving from Java to Kotlin for hibernate? in particular, i'm trying to get the best null safety i can get... There is this issue is, if i set nullable=false...that should be a @nonnull object, because i know it's an impossibility for it to happen in my scenarios. How can I get that though? do I need to use lateinit here?
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I wouldn't recommend using
on JPA entities
The medium article you provided does not consider existing kotlin jpa plugin which in my opinion is the critical go-to when working with Kotlin and JPA ( includes it by default when you link Spring Data dependency) - with it you could write your classes as you would normally do it in Kotlin, preserving null-safety, immutability etc. and the plugin will take care of generating complaint bytecode. Sample article about it:
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@Szymon Jeziorski yep that sounds nice to me. So, they have to use the ctor init to do this, right? not exactly pretty if you've got a 20 column entity with annotations everywhere and mappings
but there are worse things.
@Mikhail i'm surprised you don't just use lombok. Implementing your own hashcode/equals/string all the time is so much duplication versus @ToString @Equals
I don't use lombok in my kotlin projects
Simply because there are problems with it
seems that there is kapt or the lombok plugin. but i'm unfamiliar with what kinda problems there might be
@sreich I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but you yourself don't have to write a no-arg constructor for entities, and the one generated by the plugin is only to be called via reflection. You can read about it here: If you meant that having a single large constructor is a must (which can be ugly for entities with many fields) then it isn't - from the code perspective, you can work with entities as with other classes and use factory methods, secondary constructors, custom builders or whatever suits you. And as a side note, I also don't use Lombok for Kotlin projects. For model classes I usually use data classes that provide equals, hashCode, and toString out of the box and for JPA entities I usually have a single MappedSuperclass having equals and hashCode implementation. I hardly ever need custom toString for JPA Entities. All in all, I couldn't work with Java without Lombok but don't need when working with Kotlin
A late notice: you may also check for a Spring Boot app with database model, also not using dataclasses because it's creating problems