Is there a chance <Pager> loads pages without bein...
# compose
Is there a chance Pager loads pages without being attached ? I have a very simple layout with custom measurements/placements. That layout is used on every Pager page. I had no problem for months, but the moment I updated Compose (1.05 -> 1.2.0-rc1) and accompanis (0.18 -> 0.24.11-rc) I started seeing :
Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: LayoutCoordinates androidx.compose.ui.node.InnerPlaceable@50d1d48 is not attached!
On firebase, without code changes. Worst of all is that It cant even bee reproduced reliable
please file a bug with a full stacktrace. thanks
I did 🙂 (mainly because just the update caused it) Decided to ask here in case there was somethign more obvious that I was missing
thanks anyways!
thanks, we will take a look
👍 1