Hey everybody, I'm struggling with logging problem...
# kotlin-logging
Hey everybody, I'm struggling with logging problems with Firebase Admin SDK. When running locally, I can see such errors in red (i hope that means stderr):
[firebase-database-worker] WARN com.google.firebase.database.connection.PersistentConnection - [pc_0] Provided authentication credentials are invalid. This usually indicates your FirebaseApp instance was not initialized correctly. Make sure your database URL is correct and that your service account is for the correct project and is authorized to access it.
But when running in kubernetes, these lines are missing. I do not use any logging configuration files, have slf4j-simple in build.gradle.kts . What might be the difference?
I don't see how this is related to logging. seems like you're logging works fine if you get this warn message
the problem is that I only get it locally, but not in k8s