hey guys! we're considering to use Micronaut+Kotli...
# micronaut
hey guys! we're considering to use Micronaut+Kotlin for our backend services. For people that has used Micronaut+Kotlin in production, how were your experiences? would you choose it again if you started from scratch?
Hi César! How are you? I work at iFood in Brazil, I’m doing a POC with Micronaut with Kotlin, at first it’s being really cool.
hey Julio! thanks for the reply. Have you also consider other alternatives and if so, why are you mostly interested in Micronaut?
Easy Cesar, we chose because the documentation is very good and we will also use gRPC
interesting, we may use grpc too. Is grpc support with Micranout better than with, say, Quarkus?
I don’t know if it is better, but talking to other co-workers in a big bank here in Brazil, they have chosen to use Micronaut, and the results are positive. For this reason, we chose to perform the POC with Micronaut
thanks for your comment
Do you intend to perform a POC or have you already done so?
a colleague is running some POCs but on my side I'm more interested on real experiences from devs using this in production
I get it, next week we will perform a production load test, but at first the experience is very smooth, especially for people who have already worked with Spring.
What caught my attention is the deployment, it is very fast, even without using GraalVM
hey @Júlio Santos, how did the load test go?
We are about to apply, and when it happens I’ll tell you how it went, okay?
🙌 1
Hi Cesar! I know it has been a while since you posted this question. Anyways, maybe my team's experience still help you: We used micronaut+kotlin in a productive environment for 3 years. We chose it, because it promised lower memory consumption. In fact, this was a crucial point for our customer since we were running on k8s. Performance-wise Micronaut did pretty well. We were able to handle peaks of 150.000 requests / min . Kotlin's coroutines contributed to that performance obviously as well. Please let me know if you have any further question 🙂 Cheers!