Hi everyone! Can you explain me what is the differ...
# compose
Hi everyone! Can you explain me what is the different between the codes below ? And on LaunchedEffect block, if the key is changed during the block the LaunchedEffect is re launched again before the block is finished? @galex @Mor Amit
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LaunchedEffect(shouldLoadMore) {
        if (shouldLoadMore.value) {
            lastTotalItems = state.layoutInfo.totalItemsCount


 LaunchedEffect(shouldLoadMore) {
        snapshotFlow { shouldLoadMore.value }
            .collect { shouldLoadMore ->
                if (shouldLoadMore){
                    lastTotalItems = state.layoutInfo.totalItemsCount
appears to be MutableState, so it will never restart the LaunchedEffect in the first one
is probably what you want there
the second one uses snapshotFlow to observe the changes to
inside the coroutine
Thnks you are right
so is the same?
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LaunchedEffect(shouldLoadMore.value) {
        if (shouldLoadMore.value) {
            lastTotalItems = state.layoutInfo.totalItemsCount
very similar, and for most cases they are the same
won't cancel previous when new emit() in flow
will cancel previous when key changes
and what about my second question? “And on LaunchedEffect block, if the key is changed during the block the LaunchedEffect is re launched again before the block is finished?”
Uh it is cancelled, then restarted. Let me check the exact ordering
So if I want to make sure the block will be executed, I need to use flow (suspend function)
the new coroutine does not join previous before entering block
I'm suspicious of the goal of trying to avoid cancellation. It sounds likely you should check the UDF interaction here as you likely have some underhoisted state. But, yes, the flow version will not cancel and will allow you to respond to every state change. (edit: every state change that is not conflated and makes it to the flow observer)
for example: I want to implement pagination list. When the user get the end I want to execute api call to get more data. So I want to make sure is will be executed
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var lastTotalItems by remember { mutableStateOf(-1) }
    val shouldLoadMore = remember {
        derivedStateOf {
            val totalItems =  state.layoutInfo.totalItemsCount
            val lastVisibleItem = state.layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo.lastOrNull() ?: return@derivedStateOf false
            (lastVisibleItem.index >= state.layoutInfo.totalItemsCount - 1 - buffer) && (lastTotalItems != totalItems)

    LaunchedEffect(shouldLoadMore) {
        snapshotFlow { shouldLoadMore.value }
            .collect { shouldLoadMore ->
                if (shouldLoadMore){
                    lastTotalItems = state.layoutInfo.totalItemsCount
Got it. Yes - in this case consider hoisting scroll position up to the same level that produces the items. Then wiring it up becomes a event->event instead of a state->event
Not sure Im understaning what you mean
so right now, you're writing to a state variable
(this appears derived as a pure function from scroll position and items) which creates an event
If you hoist all of that to the thing that implements
then this problem becomes internal to that - and possibly outside of composition
TL;DR - I think you're doing a bit much in composition here, with what appears to be a mutableState driven state machine that generates events. You'll probably find this a lot easier if you move the states and logic into a Kotlin class.
ViewModel or other 🙂
Ya it much more easy. Something like that
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var viewModelsItems: ArrayList<Any> =object : ArrayList<Any>() {
        override fun get(index: Int): Any {
            val res = super.get(index)
            if (index + 20 >= size) {
            return res
yea that's in the general direction - you can also read mutableState in a viewModel using
A way I typically implement this is to keep track of the last viewed item in reactive state (mutableState, StateFlow, whatever) then if it's past some threshold start the next refresh in a loading loop
that way there's only ever one request out
retry logic is a downstream concern from refresh
Intresting. Something like: the viewmodel collect the visible indexes by flow and the composable function is the producer that publish it?
so ideally the composable function has two inputs 1. List of items 2. Complex hoisted state object (ScrollState) It generates no events related to refresh, but instead scrollState is modified (note this means you shouldn't multi-home the scroll state) The VM can then respond to scroll state changes and use that to start loading as appropriate.
@Sean McQuillan [G] Thanks a lot!