I want to “reveal” a bottom sheet like content onc...
# compose
I want to “reveal” a bottom sheet like content once the user scrolls beyond the end of a
Showing that content should behave like a bottom sheet (collapsing or expanding if too little/enough drag) Using
seems the way to go but I’m struggling as the List also needs to be full-height and nesting vertically scrollable maxHeight layouts is disallowed. Any ideas?
@Andrey Kulikov
🙏 1
I don’t think this is a use case we support unfortunately. Feel free to file a feature request
Is this the reverse of a backdrop scaffold?
@Andrey Kulikov so building sth like this is currently not possible at all? or just not supported by any components out of the box?
just came across this video explaining why you cannot nest same-direction elements:


No, I think it should be doable via nested scrolling api. I just recommended to file a bug so in the bug we can discuss it in more details
filed here - thanks
@Andrey Kulikov i’d appreciate if you could have a look at the filed issue and see if my solution could be change to support the dynamic height of the bottom sheet rather using a fixed height.
@Andrey Kulikov @jossiwolf now that
is published - do you think it can be utilised to achieve that?
i managed to produce a working sample unfortunately the solution is a bit hacky as i’ve added a dummy list item on the bottom in order to forward scrolls when the list is scrolled to bottom. without the dummy item the scroll amount would be to small that it would trigger the anchoredDraggable