Hello everyone, I’m sort of new to Kotlin 6-12 Mon...
# squarelibraries
Hello everyone, I’m sort of new to Kotlin 6-12 Months working on one Android App which is also my first Kotlin/ Mobile / Mutiplatform Project. In the App I work with SQLDelight to manage my Database and Caching. However with new Versions of the Database no Migrations are being made and the App cannot write to Database / Crashes. Now I did try using .sqm files but it does not seem to find the Database Tables.
I do think I might have to change the build.gradle file. But so far adding any reference to the sqm File resulted in building errors.
I think migrations have to be in a specific location, check the doc again on that
Is there a specific page mentioning the location? I do not find it on the main Page for Migrations: https://cashapp.github.io/sqldelight/android_sqlite/migrations/
it just mentions the Naming Convetion:
<version to upgrade from>.sqm
which I assume is
if there is no other SQM so far.
does the sample app help?
I’m assuming you mean the Github Project Sample app? I tried to build it locally but it does not even sync since it uses outdated or missing dependencies. From the gradle build file I also cannot gleam any linking to a Migrations Folder.
I found this migration file in the sample app: https://github.com/cashapp/sqldelight/blob/master/sample/common/src/commonMain/sqldelight/migrations/1.sqm. Is this what you were looking for?
Yes but the problem is that it does not recognise any of my Tables from the main
Database file
so there has to be a linking of sorts happening. Which is not documented to my knowledge. In the Sample app I also did not see the Migrations Folder ever being mentioned
I was able to build the sample app on my machine. I suspect something else is wrong on your side. Wanna file an issue and share the errors you are seeing?
Hello Saket, Regardless of if I get my version of the sample app to run. My question still stands: How do I add a migration file that actually works and applies the Database changes?
We put them here
@Daniel Bucher I think your migration files are stored in the wrong directory. Wanna share your folder structure?
I did change that part yes since I asked my question. However it still does not find the Table.
Hmm I'm not sure then. Considering that you're not able to build the sample app either, I think something else is wrong with your environment. Does the migration actually not work at runtime? I can't tell if this is just a false IDE error.
True it could be ide error, however I also need to change the Insert Update Query which then does not find the new Column.
Unless that is unrelated and should be added in the .sqm as well
can you ignore the IDE errors and check if your SQL queries are running as expected at runtime?
Hey thanks for answering. I've been trying to get it to work over here over the last few days. The IDE Error sadly also prevented my project from building. And I haven't so far managed to get my Project to build with an
File in it.
what happens if you build from a terminal?
Hey Saket, Sorry for the delay. I had to sort out some JDK errors and changed a bunch of code for a Store release. But I got this when I build from terminal:
Copy code
.../IdeaProjects/swisscatholicapp/shared/src/commonMain/sqldelight/migrations/1.sqm line 1:12 - No table found with name wpFeaturedMedia
1    ALTER TABLE wpFeaturedMedia ADD COLUMN test TEXT
Also got this one before that error:
Copy code
line 1:12 - Attempting to alter something that is not a table.
1    ALTER TABLE wpFeaturedMedia ADD COLUMN test TEXT
also in 1.sqm
the Table is in a statement in the News.sq Database Creation file:
Copy code
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wpFeaturedMedia(...);
Without the 1.sqm File I get no errors and the App get's build with the Database. But this won't work if I want to change the Database in a future Play Store update.
Ah okay. I'm not sure what's missing then. Can you file an issue on github along with any IDE logs (Help -> Show Log In Finger)?