Hi everyone. I'm in process of migrating my JVM ap...
# coroutines
Hi everyone. I'm in process of migrating my JVM application from Java 16 to Java 17. My application uses coroutines 1.6.2 and used to work fine on Java 16, but now it throws
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.DebugProbesKt (in module kotlin.stdlib) cannot access class kotlinx.coroutines.debug.internal.DebugProbesImpl (in module kotlinx.coroutines.core.jvm) because module kotlin.stdlib does not read module kotlinx.coroutines.core.jvm
on any coroutine launch. I guess it's because Java 17 removed support for
option. I tried to use
--add-reads kotlin.stdlib=kotlinx.coroutines.core.jvm
option, but it shows
WARNING: Unknown module: kotlin.stdlib specified to --add-reads
on JVM init and still throws error on coroutines access. Any ideas how can I fix it?