hi <@UEU1NDQCD> i’m wondering if we can release ar...
# arrow-contributors
hi @Imran/Malic i’m wondering if we can release arrow integrations for 0.14.0? we have just gotten the kotlin 1.7.0 changes merged
Hi Mitchell - sorry for not getting back to you on this issue, we’ve been busy with some fires in the Arrow mpp release. I’ll add that to the release agenda, we can also pair up if there is something note worthy to mention in the Twitter post, along side the release - also to align the release with the other ones in the arrow ecosystem, which are coming up soon.
🙌 1
Thanks @Imran/Malic all good! hopefully all is well with the mpp release. Notable changes that can be mentioned for 0.14.0: • upgrade arrow to 1.1.2 • upgrade jackson to 2.13.3 • upgrade kotlin to 1.7.0 • serialization and deserialization support for Either, Validated and Ior • various bugfixes
🙏 2
arrow 1
Awesome work @mitch 👏 👏 K
Thanks @mitch 🙌🏾