is there a table component for compose desktop? I ...
# compose-desktop
is there a table component for compose desktop? I built one using LazyGrid but the styling each cell to style a row is not intuitive
there isn’t a built-in one, however I’ve researched this in the past and found quite a few people starting to build their own this might be helpful to you: there are a few examples floating around on github too if you search around
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Just off the top of my head, a proper data table component in 2022 is expected to have all of these: grouping, filtering, single and multi-column filtering, pivots, multirow headers, footers, search, freezing rows and columns, pinning rows during scrolling, column / row / cell selection, nesting, cell spans. And there's more. Any single person or project might not need every single one of these, but in aggregate it adds up to a lot of interconnected features. It looks easy to start, but it's really a full time job to provide such a component that could be called data table in 2022. Which is perhaps why we haven't seen one quite yet.
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@james thanks for that. I was able to use it to make a basic one. Guess I will have to dig into custom layouts so I can have customized widths for columns
hopefully they will offer a data table component or maybe we will see one from the community
don’t forget, we are the community 😄 if people have the skills (and the free time etc) to build these kinds of components, it’s great to share progress with the community and if you need inspiration, look no further than Kirill who answered this thread.. he embodies that spirit and somehow builds a mind blowing amount of open source components for the community
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definitely aurora is awesome and he's always helping everyone out 😄
One part of me wants to say that waiting around for somebody to step up and start the ball rolling isn't productive, especially given that people have been asking for this component for more than a year now. But then the other part knows how much work it's going to be beyond the very initial grid layout structure. Really though, it's on us as the community to step up and make this happen.
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