Is there any decent documentation on how to create...
# grpc
Is there any decent documentation on how to create a gRPC request? It seems like everything uses the DSL stuff which I can't find any documentation for and isn't particularly intuitive:
Copy code
val request = rectangle {
            lo = point(lowLat, lowLon)
            hi = point(hiLat, hiLon)
        var i = 1
☝️ that looks easy in theory but try it with a nontrivial request and it becomes near impossible to come up with the right syntax. Seems like sometimes things are a "DSL code block" and other time they're done like constructors? It would be nice if I could just construct the request like a
data class
instead of all this stuff
logic to construct non trivial message will be complex regardless whether you use builder pattern or DSL syntax
👍 1
Any idea how to create a DslList?
I'm hunting the docs but I don't see an example
unsure if there is a way -> you may need to use the builder
Yeah I wasn't able to figure out a way to do it in the DSL.
something like that should work
Copy code
rectangle {
  list += listOf(1,2,3)
  list2 += 1  