I just noticed there was a new coroutines 1.6.3-na...
# coroutines
I just noticed there was a new coroutines 1.6.3-native-mt, and so tried updating my KMP module to it, but when building macosX64, I get the following error:
Copy code
Compilation failed: Internal compiler error: no implementation found for FUN DEFAULT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR name:<get-thread> visibility:internal modality:ABSTRACT <> ($this:kotlinx.coroutines.CloseableCoroutineDispatcher) returnType:kotlinx.coroutines.Thread
when building vtable for CLASS CLASS name:MultiWorkerDispatcher modality:FINAL visibility:private superTypes:[kotlinx.coroutines.CloseableCoroutineDispatcher]
at /Users/administrator/Documents/agent/work/8d547b974a7be21f/ktor-utils/posix/src/io/ktor/util/CoroutineUtils.kt (0:0)
CLASS CLASS name:MultiWorkerDispatcher modality:FINAL visibility:private superTypes:[kotlinx.coroutines.CloseableCoroutineDispatcher]

 * Source files: 
 * Compiler version info: Konan: 1.6.21 / Kotlin: 1.6.21
 * Output kind: FRAMEWORK
The 1.6.1-native-mt works fine for me. Perhaps this version removed some platforms?
Though now I see perhaps it is a Ktor issue - using some class that was removed or changed in coroutines > 1.6.1...
Works with 1.6.3 vanilla with new mm, but not with 1.6.3-natve-mt
If anyone have the same problem, for us the problem was using ktor with coroutines that caus this error. Updating ktor to 2.1.3 resolve this issue