Is there any easy way in KSP to get the closest co...
# ksp
Is there any easy way in KSP to get the closest common ancestor of two
? I’m doing the resolution with a hand-written algorithm right now and it feels wrong
For example, say I have a
Either<Nothing, Int>
and another of
Either<Throwable, Nothing>
, I want to infer that their common ancestor is
Either<Throwable, Int>
It doesn’t really work as a common ancestor, you need to have variance in order to make it a common ancestor, for example you need to have
Either<out T, out P>
declared. Even after that, you still need to manually write a least common ancestor algorithm to determine the common ancestor you are looking for, and you also need to deal it with recursively as the type arguments can still be generics.
In this example Either is defined as
Either<out E, out T>
so I think the ancestor exists. I guess I was hoping KSP already had a least common ancestor implementation but it sounds like I'll need to roll my own 🙂
ah yes, you need to implement it yourself. This is not a common enough use case to be included in public API.
👍 1