Hi is there anything official Documentation about ...
# compose
Hi is there anything official Documentation about notifications in Compose or a sample App for that?
👀 1
What are you looking for specifically. Notifications are handled with an api that doesn't touch View code or compose code AFAIK. I think you used to be able to use remote views or something, but I think those were removed in Android 12/13?
FWIW I just implemented push notifications like last week in my pure compose app, but you don't touch UI code at all. It's just a builder where you set text and body essentially and the OS handles the rest for you.
okay yes I’ve seen notifications are a new topic for me, did the codelab here the source code https://github.com/googlecodelabs/android-kotlin-notifications okay fine. But I’m asking me how to implement that in compose without fragments, so I’m having a clean project architecture and notthing messy in a pure compose app and do you really need the Intents in cmpose?
Notifications have nothing to do with compose. From that example above I think all you need is a compose button that triggers a notificaiton, but the compose button on click code is identical to what you'd do in the view/fragment world.
In your compose button click event, you basically just need to post the notification as the docs show here: https://developer.android.com/training/notify-user/build-notification
the button is not the point. but where to go with the code from fragment for the channel build in my mainactivity I just call my navHost,
If you show some code I could hopefully be more helpful. I'm just guessing at what you need help with based off the original question. Sorry!
look at the codelab code I’m now having an receiver package and utils, but look in the fragment there they are creating the channel in the Fragment for the notifications. I don’t know where to put that part without fragments
Do you have a link to the exact spot you're looking at in the codelab. I haven't done that codelab before.
they are creating the notification channel in the Fragment but where should I do this in a pure compose multi page with single activity should I do that then? In the ViewModel, what would there be the best Style?
Since you need a context, you basically only have a few choices. fragment context (which just gives you hostings activity context) activity context application context service context (idk if you use services, but its popular when receiving a push notification from something like Firebase Cloud Messaging) but yeah. just throw that method into your activity or application class. no biggie.
If I were you, I'd throw it in my activity and call it a day. 😄
no, no services at the end the notification has to go on exact time every day for an reminder that is set through an timepicker
👍 1
Gotcha. I've never done that. Usually just post notifications based on when my server tells me theres something new (new tweet, etc)
yeah and I’m thinking now about using alarms instead
good luck!
of notifications 🤣