Can anyone speak to their migration experience mov...
# ktor
Can anyone speak to their migration experience moving to 2.0? I’ve been waiting for a few releases before I move production servers over. Is anyone running 2.0 in prod?
Migrate to 2.0.3 directly. Lots of issues with content-type headers and manipulating request bodies.
Use ktor migration plugin, made my life a lot easier. So many namespaces changes. And even after plug-in migrated namespaces, I had to do a lot of cleanup myself.
I had to replace lots of deprecated apis myself. You don't need to do it, but eventually you'd have to, and replacing withTestApplication with testApplication is a major pain.
There isn’t a rush for me to migrate. I’m just trying to move over once everything is stable
Sure. But overall I am pretty happy with the new version. And two of my very critical applications are running on 2.0.3 in production without any problems.
thank you
I’m waiting on 2.1.0 because I need this to replace a custom Ktor 1.0 feature that I don’t want to reimplement as a Ktor 2.0 plugin