Hey guys, is someone of you using the play console...
# android
Hey guys, is someone of you using the play console managed publishing? I have a question about that and hope you can help me
😶 6
android dance 1
K 1
We have multiple changes (like a new version in public test and closed test, etc.) in the UI which are reviewed and approved. Does anyone know if we are able to publish single changes instead of all together? The provided button is quite misleading as it says (in the german version) “publish all changes” which is not what we want to do and we are afraid of just trying 😉
this stuff in the play store is a really horrible experience. we've had the same issues. we basically just wing it. and we complain to the play store support team that it doesn't make sense.
👍 1
Yeah I've also hit the same limitation before. As far as I could tell there is no way to pick and choose. You could reach out to support but I wouldn't hold my breath
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