what is the right way to write unit tests for the ...
# squarelibraries
what is the right way to write unit tests for the code generated using
, I mean is it a try and error after compiling the project? excuse my ignorance this is the first time I’m using it.
👌 1
will take a look on it thanks 🙏
oh true. i guess it depends on what you want to do. i usually write a combination of string tests and then functional tests.
@jw suppose I want to write a library for analytics events, supporting multiple providers like [Firebase - Facebook .. etc]. Do I need to test against the -generated- Analytics manager per se.
compilation failure is a way of testing if I’m not wrong. but what I’m searching for is a quicker feedback on the code I’m trying to generate.
This library is amazing, you can do much more than just checking if it compiles. However, it requires some workarounds if your generated code is from a ksp processor.