If you use a ReadWriteProperty with the by operato...
# getting-started
If you use a ReadWriteProperty with the by operator, is there any possibility to access the underlying delegate? Ideally, I want to override the toString method but keep using idiomatic code
Copy code
fun main() {
    var s: String by Print {
    s = "foo"

class Print<T : Any>(private val format: T.() -> String) : ReadWriteProperty<Nothing?, T> {
    constructor(initial: T, formatter: T.() -> String) : this(formatter) {
        value = initial

    private lateinit var value: T

    override fun getValue(thisRef: Nothing?, property: KProperty<*>): T = value

    override fun setValue(thisRef: Nothing?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
        this.value = value

    override fun toString(): String = value.format()
The door for a more idiomatic solution will be open by the "explicit backing fields" feature (the prototype is already out). In the meantime, you can declare the delegate in a separate variable, and use that variable in the
But I'm not sure I understand your goal here. Do you want the
of the property
to be overridden by that of the delegate?
👌 1
Yeah, I am aware of using another delegate variable:
Copy code
val sPrint = Print<String> { "$this$this" }
var s: String by sPrint
s = "foo"
println(s) // oops
But you could print the wrong variable
The explicit backing field alternative should interesting. I will take a look
I mean the backing field feature will not help with your goal here then. One use case is to help access the property delegate, but it won't change the fact that the value itself has a different
from the delegate
The delegate is technically just a way to provide the value. After that, the value is like any other value. What you could do is make the delegate return a wrapper of your value with a different
, but that is not possible for every type, because you would need to return a custom subtype of the property type
Yeah, I noticed it too 😄 It is not possible because type of the variable would be
, ideally I want to have
. I think, I will use the first approach: Use a separate delegate variable and a custom detekt rule to prevent printing the primitive variable without the formatter.
It doesn't look like delegation is useful here to be frank, because nothing happens to
. You're just creating something on the side, so it should look like this - something on the side. For instance, something as simple as:
Copy code
var s: String = "foo"
val formattedS: String get() = "$s$s"
In this simple example it is true. But the delegate should do more than only formatting 🙂
👌 1