Hi everyone ! Im using the compose metrics and I g...
# compose
Hi everyone ! Im using the compose metrics and I get the following declare class: What is mean my class is stable but includes unstable fields? How is it effect? Is it effect if the function that uses this class be considers as skippable or not only? Is it ok to put “stable” annotation on class that includes unstable fields?
Copy code
stable class ProViewModelItem {
  unstable val profileImage: ImageDescriptor?
  unstable val coverImage: ImageDescriptor?
  stable val numReviews: Int
  stable val reviewRating: Float

This is how I declare this class:
class ProViewModelItem(
    id: String?, title: String?,
    val profileImage: ImageDescriptor? = null,
    val coverImage: ImageDescriptor? = null,
    val numReviews: Int = 0,
    val reviewRating: Float = 0f,
) : HomeFeedViewModelItem(id, title)
is a contract. It's ok if you uphold your part. How's your ImageDescriptor defined?
@Francesc as java interface
1. The result of
will always return the same result for the same two instances. 2. When a public property of the type changes, composition will be notified. 3. All public property types are stable. SO i dont uphold my pard?
Stable means that it can change but any change will be notified. Does your class actually change? If it's immutable but the compiler can't infer it, you can mark it as Immutable.
I see, so if I have unstable fields in my class and @Stable annotation, there is any negative effect?
If you say that something is @Stable but it is not you are making the compiler make a wrong assumption therefore you can not be guaranteed that things will work correctly. Things will most likely behave wrong without any warning. Aka never do this. I’d also recommend taking a look at this which was published recently https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/jetpack-compose-stability-explained-79c10db270c8
Yes, that will cause issues. Usually you don't have to worry about recomposition, only if you see a performance issue would you need to delve into it. Adding the annotation when it does not apply will lead to subtle bugs
@Stylianos Gakis @Francesc Thanks
👍 1
Hi @Francesc after mark @immutable annotation on class that includes object from other module that not support compose (so its automaticily marked as unstable) I see the the inner field is still unstable but the the outer is stable, is it ok?
Copy code
stable class PhotoViewModelItem {
  unstable val imageDescriptor: ImageDescriptor?
  stable val isSaved: MutableState<Boolean>
  stable val photoType: PhotoType?
  stable val tagsCount: Int
if you control the module where the
is defined, you could annotatte it there. If you don't, you could wrap it in a class and mark it as
- assuming the implementation is indeed immutable. This stuff was recently described here https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/jetpack-compose-stability-explained-79c10db270c8
yes I read this blog post, see the example of the data class Snack - he puts @immutable annotation and still use Set as field (its known as unstable)
right, you can annotate something with @Stable or @Immutable to help the compiler, but then you are responsible for honoring that contract
and what is the contract with immutable? Just the object will never change after it created yes?
the contract is basically that as long as
do not change, the object does not change. If it's immutable (doesn't change after construction) then those hold
as far as I understand it, the compose compiler relies on
to determine if it needs to recompose for immuable objects. If you use data classes you get that for free, otherwise you have to write the
to ensure a new, different object , does not yield the same
(you could break that if you omitted a field, for instance)
Thanks a lot
👍 1