Hi all, good day. I would like to ask if someone k...
# ktor
Hi all, good day. I would like to ask if someone know if its possible to run a ktor service with two different ports (and set of routes) so, for example, I can have the metrics scrapper running on a separate port) . I tried looking at the docs but could not figure out a way of doing that.
Afaik you should be able to spin up 2x
using the
engine but bound to different ports. For example:
Copy code
fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
  launch {
   embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080) {
     // install routes
  launch {
   embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8081) {
     // install other routes
If that doesn't work
I'd consider it bugged.
is it possible using HOCON configuration file instead of code ?
Also, you can configure multiple ports for the same server instance and match routes by a specific port. Unfortunately, you can’t configure it via a configuration file.
Copy code
embeddedServer(Netty, applicationEngineEnvironment {
    connector {
        port = 8080

    connector {
        port = 8081

    module {
        routing {
            port(8081) {
                get {

yes, thats exactly what I want… mmm.. but no configuration file is a bummer 😫