I think I'm already hitting the limits of the comp...
# compiler
I think I'm already hitting the limits of the compiler... Wrapping an API into coroutines:
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suspend fun <ReaderType, ReturnType> registerCallback(listener: (((ReaderType) -> Unit)?) -> Unit, func: (ReaderType) -> ReturnType): ReturnType {
    return suspendCoroutine<ReturnType> { block ->
        listener { btr ->

val reader = registerCallback(acsBluetoothReaderManager::setOnReaderDetectionListener) { reader ->
gives me
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java.lang.ClassCastException: org.reactormonk.debugapplication.BluetoothSupportKt$registerCallback$2$1 cannot be cast to com.acs.bluetooth.BluetoothReaderManager$OnReaderDetectionListener
        at org.reactormonk.debugapplication.BluetoothNFCActivity$onCreate$1$reader$1.invoke(BluetoothNFC.kt:72)
Compiles fine though. This is the interface:
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public void setOnReaderDetectionListener(BluetoothReaderManager.OnReaderDetectionListener listener) {
        this.b = listener;

    public interface OnReaderDetectionListener {
        void onReaderDetection(BluetoothReader var1);
Weird, it should not compile afaik. Your lambda is not actually implementing OnReaderDetectionListener, so in
when you call
listener { ... }
you implement a method with a signature that looks like the interface ORDL but is not an implementation of it, and I think it matches the ClassCastException error. You may try with a functional interface but I think it'll be the same issue eventually (for the JVM build at least).
If you want to use lambdas, why not removing the interface instead?
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public void setOnReaderDetectionListener(listener: ((BluetoothReader) -> Unit)?) {
        this.b = listener;
(Also tbh I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve with the registerCallback method 🤔 )
Can't modify that part of the code, proprietary jar 😞
It's a weird interface, where you a) gotta register a callback for when the hardware gets back to you (that's the listener part) b) call the method. The example here is only a), this is the big brother:
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suspend fun <ReaderType, InputType, OutputType, ReturnType> convertToCallback(
    funCall: (InputType) -> Boolean,
    listener: (((ReaderType, OutputType, Int) -> Unit)?) -> Unit,
    input: InputType,
    outputParser: (OutputType) -> ReturnType
): ReturnType {
    return suspendCoroutine<ReturnType> { block ->
        if (funCall(input)) {
            listener { _, output, errorCode ->
                if (errorCode == 0) {
                } else {
                    block.resumeWithException(ReaderCommandException("Error code from reader: $errorCode"))
        } else {
            block.resumeWithException(ReaderCommandException("Couldn't send command. Bonded?"))
Yes, I've written Haskell professionally before. Does it show? This is the full selection of interfaces I'm trying to abstract over:
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public interface OnEnableNotificationCompleteListener {
        void onEnableNotificationComplete(BluetoothReader var1, int var2);

    public interface OnResponseApduAvailableListener {
        void onResponseApduAvailable(BluetoothReader var1, byte[] var2, int var3);

    public interface OnEscapeResponseAvailableListener {
        void onEscapeResponseAvailable(BluetoothReader var1, byte[] var2, int var3);

    public interface OnDeviceInfoAvailableListener {
        void onDeviceInfoAvailable(BluetoothReader var1, int var2, Object var3, int var4);

    public interface OnCardStatusChangeListener {
        void onCardStatusChange(BluetoothReader var1, int var2);

    public interface OnCardStatusAvailableListener {
        void onCardStatusAvailable(BluetoothReader var1, int var2, int var3);

    public interface OnCardPowerOffCompleteListener {
        void onCardPowerOffComplete(BluetoothReader var1, int var2);

    public interface OnAuthenticationCompleteListener {
        void onAuthenticationComplete(BluetoothReader var1, int var2);

    public interface OnAtrAvailableListener {
        void onAtrAvailable(BluetoothReader var1, byte[] var2, int var3);
Maybe I'm approaching this by shoehorning a specific way into Kotlin, what would be a decent way to put some
into it?